Broocks Greer, Attorney at Law, LLC

The Opioid Epidemic Started with A Lie

It’s no secret that the opioid epidemic has taken the country by storm. Many people are addicted to prescription painkillers, unable to break that addiction on their own.

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Broocks Greer, Attorney at Law, LLC

Is Explicit Texting Illegal?

Sending explicit pictures through text — often called “sexting” — is something that many couples engage in at all ages. But will this practice put you in danger of violating the law?

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Broocks Greer, Attorney at Law, LLC

Why Are Some Drugs Illegal?

Most drugs are illegal in the United States. While people are often dead-set against drug use on the grounds that they are illegal alone, do you ever stop to ask yourself why that is?

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Broocks Greer, Attorney at Law, LLC

How Reliable Is a Child’s Memory or Testimony in Court?

In allegations of sexual misconduct within a family, a key witness may be a child who was either involved in the alleged incident or who saw it happen. But can you actually trust the accounts that these children give when they’re trying to recall past events?

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Broocks Greer, Attorney at Law, LLC

Are Painkillers the Real Gateway Drug?

Those who grew up with anti-drug programs in school probably heard a lot of references to “gateway” drugs, most of which centered around the use of marijuana. The idea was simply that someone who thought of marijuana as a harmless way to have fun would slowly become involved in harder drugs, which could be highly addictive and more dangerous.

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