You have finally taken the bull by the horns and decided to address your substance abuse issues. You suffered under the yoke of your opioid addiction for far too long.
Should You Trust Your Future to a Breathalyzer App?
These days, there really is an app for just about everything — including ones that are supposed to tell you if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is above the legal limit to drive. Combined with a small device that can be tucked into your pocket and plugged into your smartphone, Breathalyzer apps are supposed to give you a warning that you either need to quit drinking or get a ride home.
When Can an Officer Stop You for Drunk Driving?
Police officers have a duty to try to keep the roads safe. This means that all that a police officer needs to initiate a traffic stop is reasonable suspicion, which isn’t a very high standard.
Can Law Enforcement Officers Require Field Sobriety Tests and Are Those Tests Reliable?
If you’re stopped by a law enforcement officer who believes that you’re intoxicated or impaired, they may ask you to take field sobriety tests. Those tests are not required, but if you refused them, you may be arrested based on your actions or other behaviors.
It May Not Always Be in Your Best Interest to Refuse a Breathalyzer Test
When a police officer asks someone to take a Breathalyzer test, the first instinct for many is to flatly refuse — especially if they have been drinking a little.
A Prescription Won’t Protect You from A DWI in Louisiana
Prescription drugs can sometimes pose a public health risk, which is why a physician must recommend their use. Many prescription drugs pose a risk of misuse, abuse or addiction without proper controls in place.
How Long Will You Lose Your License for A Louisiana DWI? It Depends
If you get pulled over by police or cause a crash and then proceed to fail a chemical test, the state could very well charge you with driving while intoxicated (DWI). In Louisiana, those charges could mean fines and jail time.
Why You Should Refuse All Field Sobriety Tests
You were blowing off some steam with some friends from work one Friday night and drank a couple of extra glasses of wine. You knew that you had probably had a little too much alcohol and should have called for a ride, but you risked it anyway.
Does One Type of Alcohol Get You More Intoxicated than Another?
You may have heard someone say that they can’t drink a certain type of alcohol. For instance, maybe they claim that they stick to beer and wine because they get “too drunk” when they drink hard alcohol like bourbon or vodka.
More than Ever, People Need Legal Counsel when Facing a DUI
Since motor vehicles arrived in the public marketplace, people have been getting into trouble for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. In the earliest decades of the automobile age, you could expect a relatively minor response to driving while intoxicated.