You probably know that the legal limit for blood alcohol content is 0.08 percent. You can be arrested for driving under the influence and charged if you are found with a BAC at or over this percent while driving.
However, you might not know what factors into your blood alcohol content. How does a person achieve this level and how fast can it happen? Having an accurate estimation of how your blood alcohol content works can help you get a better understanding of the risks of a DUI.
Conventional Guidelines
According to most traditional sources, your blood alcohol content is supposed to stay within safe limits for driving if you limit yourself to one drink per hour. That’s equivalent to one 12-ounce beer, a five-ounce glass of wine or a 1.5-ounce shot of hard liquor.
However, your blood alcohol content levels depend on a wider variety of factors than just how much alcohol you consume in a certain time period.
Blood Alcohol Content Factors
Each person processes alcohol differently depending on a few physical factors, which can influence their level of blood alcohol content. These factors include:
Muscle composition
Blood type
Hydration level
Food consumed
Overall health
Due to these varying factors, it’s difficult to estimate or generalize how many drinks it takes for any given person to reach 0.08 percent without a formal BAC test. In some cases, people may not even feel physically or mentally intoxicated when they are at or above the legal limit.
Because of this, it is unsafe to drive after consuming any alcohol at all. Getting a DUI is a serious crime and it can have severe penalties. But when people make mistakes, an experienced attorney can help you navigate the consequences and the issues that come with them.