You were blowing off some steam with some friends from work one Friday night and drank a couple of extra glasses of wine. You knew that you had probably had a little too much alcohol and should have called for a ride, but you risked it anyway.
Does One Type of Alcohol Get You More Intoxicated than Another?
You may have heard someone say that they can’t drink a certain type of alcohol. For instance, maybe they claim that they stick to beer and wine because they get “too drunk” when they drink hard alcohol like bourbon or vodka.
More than Ever, People Need Legal Counsel when Facing a DUI
Since motor vehicles arrived in the public marketplace, people have been getting into trouble for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. In the earliest decades of the automobile age, you could expect a relatively minor response to driving while intoxicated.
Reasons You Could Fail a Field Sobriety Test
Last night you went out to the local wine bar with some girlfriends. You were driving home, so you made sure to only have one small glass of wine before switching to water.
How Can You Figure Out Your Blood Alcohol Content?
You probably know that the legal limit for blood alcohol content is 0.08 percent. You can be arrested for driving under the influence and charged if you are found with a BAC at or over this percent while driving.
What Are the Penalties for Multiple DWI Offenses in Louisiana?
Like all states, Louisiana law makes it illegal to drink and operate any form of transportation. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is incredibly dangerous, putting not only the driver in peril but the occupants of every other car on the road.